Major Differences Between Dogging And Rigging License

Major Differences Between Dogging And Rigging License

You may be unsure about the difference between dogging and rigging. Several construction firms use these names interchangeably. While a Rigger may frequently do all of the same tasks as a Dogman with a High-Risk Work License (HRWL), they also have additional abilities covered by additional licenses unique to rigging jobs.

Therefore, this article will go through the difference between dogging and rigging in-depth in this blog article so you can pick which training course to take.


Slinging methods to lift a weight, including choosing the way of lifting by analyzing the nature of the load, its mass, and its centre of gravity and examining lifting gear, are the two essential parts of dogging. Dogging also implies controlling the movement of a load by a crane or hoist operator while the load is out of the operator’s vision

 A Dogger is in charge of the following tasks:

  1. Determining the weight to be lifted
  2. Lifting equipment selection and inspection
  3. Guiding the movement of cargo by a crane operator

Is a Dogging Permit Necessary?

Anyone who uses slinging methods on a cargo requires a High-Risk Work License (HRWL) for Dogging, which includes:

  1. Calculating the safe sling or chain angle
  2. Choosing the right sort of sling or chain
  3. Choosing the best way for securing the load
  4. Selecting a safe way to raise the load
  5. Examining the condition of lifting equipment for signs of wear and damage

Anyone instructing the operator of a crane or hoist in the movement of a load while the cargo is out of the operator’s vision must have a dogging license. You must complete a Dogging-training course with a Registered Training Organization to get a Dogging License. 


  1. Rigging covers activities such as:
  2. Mechanical load shifting equipment is used to move, place, or secure a load.
  3. erecting or disassembling hoist cranes

Is a Rigging License Necessary?

Rigging permits are divided into three categories, each defining the types of rigging work that may be done. Basic (RB), Intermediate (RI), and Advanced (AA) are the three levels (RA).

A Basic Rigging license is essential for anybody doing work that involves making judgments on slinging methods, such as:

  1. Plant and equipment movement
  2. Erecting precast tilt-up concrete panels and structural steel 
  3. Installing hoists, including mast climbing hoists
  4. Static wires and safety netting are installed.
  5. Installing cantilevered crane loading platforms 
  6. Installation of safety screens and shutters around the perimeter

Supervisors or management must examine the task for risk before allocating it to decide if a High-Risk Work License is required.

To earn a Rigging License, you must complete a Rigging training course with an RTO, the same as Dogging. Please contact us for additional information on our Basic Rigging training course or register for one of our following classes.

Overall, dogging and basic rigging play a significant role Riggers ensure the stability of members by using plants, equipment, or members of a building or structure. Riggers are also responsible for the installation and removal of cranes and hoists. When it is difficult or impossible for a crane operator to see their cargo, they often enlist the help of a dogman.

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