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Asphalt paving: What is the Procedure?

Asphalt paving: What is the Procedure?

Asphalt has become an integral part of residential and commercial outdoors. It can be seen almost everywhere. This black and sticky material is versatile and helps create smooth and durable surfaces for parking lots, driveways, and walking paths. It finds greater outdoor applications, depending on the kind of project you may have. Besides its durability, asphalt is also valued for its waterproof properties

So, what is involved in the asphalt paving process and what steps are involved in it? Let’sfind out here.

Asphalt Paving Process

Asphalt paving involves paving a surface using asphalt aggregate. This versatile pavement material helps form a smoothand resilient surface. The pavement structures formed using it can withstandheavy loads of vehicles and heavy foot traffic. It has low life cycle cost and offers the best-possible value.

The exceptional pliancy of asphalt pavementsmakes them perfect for all types of paved surfaces. When properly laid, the surface will not need to be replaced for decades. It is important to find the right professionals for the task to ensure that the proper process is followed.

The key steps involved in asphalt paving process are as follows:

Removal of Existing Surface

The existing surface is removed, whether it is made of asphalt or concrete. Typically, the process involves the use of old recycled asphalt materials. Almost 80% of asphalt materials can be recycled and reused. 

This makes asphalt an environment friendly paving material. Your asphalt pavement company may use heavy equipment in the removal of the existing surface, including:

Sloping& Grading

The grading and sloping steps are essential for creating an asphalt surface that allows proper water drainage. This step is essential to prevent the formation of potholes. The professionals will use proven techniques to drain all the water before the paving process begins. 

Asphalt Preparation

The aggregate has a tendency to cool rapidly after spreading. This further makes it important that this process is handled only by experienced and fully equipped professionals.

Testing Uniformity

One the first load of the mixture has been spread;the uniformity of the texture is checked. If any segmentation of materials is detected the process is stopped. Crown control is another factor that is checked. If a pavement has crown, it may need to be redone completely. 

Operators will also ensure that the mix clinging to the sides of the hopper is regularly loosened. This mix is pushed back into the active mix. The mix cannot be allowed to get cold, as this will affect compaction and strength.


Compaction is an important part of the process of asphalt paving. Lack of proper compaction will mean that the surface will not be able to withstand the seasons and hold together.A professional asphalt paving company will use a combination of rollers to optimize the results. This can include the use of the following machinery:

Types of Asphalt

There are different types of asphalt paving that are used for different types of projects. The most commonly usedpaving types include:

Asphalt paving is a sophisticated process and is best handled by experienced operators. Soyou should choose an asphalt paving companywith specialized experience.

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